Applications for 2023/2024 are now open and scholarships are available! We accep…

Applications for 2023/2024 are now open and scholarships are available! We accep...

Applications for 2023/2024 are now open and scholarships are available! We accept applications for our Learning Centre throughout the year. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to understand more about the admission process or to visit. We’re here to make the process easier and provide guidance.

Contact us if your children need transportation from Cascais.

Contact Information:
Rua Dr. Sa Carneiro 80 in Colares, Sintra.

We’re excited to start on this journey with you!

#HyphaPortugal #Natureeducation #Creativelearning #RespectfulEducation #HolisticEducation

350121922 265163466023124 8157824074160330115 n
350260081 1261981231386376 6787672955963976797 n
350292293 1742363992865180 3262168588159724715 n
350340724 615076723910297 8372795528328842791 n
