Don’t miss out on Week 2 (July 10-14) of Hypha’s summer camp! We’ll be making o…

Don’t miss out on Week 2 (July  10-14) of Hypha’s summer camp! We’ll be making o...

Don’t miss out on Week 2 (July 10-14) of Hypha’s summer camp! We’ll be making our own recipes, learning to make eco-friendly products, how to make beeswax wraps, cloth bags and seed bombs. We’ll also experiment harnessing the wind, water and sun to help conserve energy!

Week 1 participants are loving the camp! Come join us too!

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One response to “Don’t miss out on Week 2 (July 10-14) of Hypha’s summer camp! We’ll be making o…”

  1. Hey
    Can you send more information pls