Embracing the Beauty of Autumn at Hypha Our Forest School sessions  immersed u…

Embracing the Beauty of Autumn at Hypha  Our Forest School sessions  immersed u...

🍂 Embracing the Beauty of Autumn at Hypha🍁 🌲 Our Forest School sessions  immersed us in nature’s classroom, where we discover the wonders of Autumn. Our forest school activities gave us the opportunity to express our emotions and language skills. 🔍 Science exploration took us on a journey through the changing world of flora and fauna and deepened our understanding of properties of materials. 🍯 And let’s not forget the sweetest part—our bountiful garden gifted us with delicious persimmons, and we transformed them into mouthwatering persimmon jam. The preparation process stengthened our fine motor skills helping us to develop our prewriting skills. Sharing our delicious product was the best part of the learning journey! 🍂🍁 #hypha #hyphaeducation #autumn #autumnvibes🍁 #discovereducation #neweducation #alternativeeducation #montessori #forestschool #forestschoolideas #montessoriportugal #lisboneducation

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