- While in nature, some of our learners asked: “I found a nest but where did the…
- At Hypha, we have a whole-child approach to education that supports children’s r…
- Today we entered a mysterious place where we got to invent and explore our creat…
- Bem-vinda educadora Margarida! We are fortunate to have Margarida join our Hypha…
- Embracing Growth and Collaboration At Hypha, we believe that innovative educat…
- Exciting First Day at Hypha Education! Today marked the beginning of an incre…
- Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to Hypha, where even chickens know th…
- We had a magical day on Friday celebrating the birthday of one of our amazing le…
- Yesterday we celebrated Peace Day at Hypha At Hypha, every day is an opportun…
- At Hypha, we're all about fostering creativity and unleashing the power of physi…
- Embracing the Beauty of Autumn at Hypha Our Forest School sessions immersed u…
- At Hypha, our Early Years program nurtures young minds, fosters a love for learn…
- We have a whole-child approach to education that fosters 21st century skills in …
- SUMMER CAMP Hypha Summer camp provides opportunities for children to connect wi…
- SUMMER CAMP Ages 3 – 12 Hypha Summer camp provides opportunities for children t…
- Hypha Colares
- SUMMER CAMP Hypha Summer camp provides opportunities for children to connect wi…
- HYPHA is an innovative educational model designed for children between the ages …
- Our leadership team's deep calling is restoring childhood back to children and t…
- Why should your child's early learning journey be confined within four walls? At…
- At HYPHA, every corner of our learning centre is purposefully designed to suppor…
- Fostering a lifelong learning mindset is our goal with our progressive education…
- Introducing Kerry, a visionary leader in education! With 22 years of experience,…
- Calling all parents! Discover the magic of HYPHA, where every nook and cranny is…
- When comparing Traditional Schools and the Hypha Way Forest Schools in a Tradit…
- Get ready for an unforgettable summer experience! Join us for 6 weeks of summer…
- Applications for 2023/2024 are now open and scholarships are available! We accep…
- We have created vibrant green spaces where our learners can immerse themselves i…
- Fostering a lifelong learning mindset is our goal with our progressive education…
- Almost there! Join us for HYPHA's eagerly awaited Open Day Come explore our en…
- Introducing Kerry, a visionary leader in education! With 22 years of experience,…
- Hypha offers a bilingual environment where children are immersed in the Portugue…
- Calling all parents! Discover the magic of HYPHA, where every nook and cranny is…
- When comparing Traditional Schools and the Hypha Way Forest Schools in a Trad…
- Wow, we’re grateful for all the positive feedback from the Open Day attendees! W…
- Get ready for an unforgettable summer experience! Join us for 6 weeks of summer…
- Get ready for an unforgettable summer experience! Join us for 6 weeks of summer…
- Applications for 2023/2024 are now open and scholarships are available! We accep…
- Are you curious why we use Forest School and a blend of Reggio Emilia and Montes…
- We have created vibrant green spaces where our learners can immerse themselves i…
- At Hypha, we support children’s rights to be in nature, to be nurtured, to pursu…
- Almost there! Join us for HYPHA's eagerly awaited Open Day Come explore our e…
- Ignite Your Creativity at Hypha Art Studio! Step into a world of imagination …
- Yesterday marked a truly remarkable day as we swung open our doors and welcomed …
- Hypha Camp! The first week of Hypha Camp is packed with excitement, exploratio…
- Hypha offers a bilingual environment where children are immersed in the Portugue…
- Don't miss this chance to tour Hypha and discover for yourself what's so special…
- Wow, we’re grateful for all the positive feedback from the Open Day attendees! W…
- At Hypha we blend the best of alternative methods with proven, research-based, a…
- Get ready for an unforgettable summer experience! Join us for 6 weeks of summer…
- A sneak peek into last week’s Fun Sunday event at Hypha. We had a great time pla…
- Are you curious why we use Forest School and a blend of Reggio Emilia and Montes…
- A sneak peek into last week’s Fun Sunday event at Hypha. We had a great time pla…
- Using either Forest School, Montessori, or Reggio Emilia on their own wouldn’t g…
- Unleashing Giggles: Five Hilarious After-School Activities for Toddlers
- At Hypha, we support children’s rights to be in nature, to be nurtured, to pursu…
- Discover the Magic of Hypha Education Centre! We want to express our heartfelt…
- Ignite Your Creativity at Hypha Art Studio! Step into a world of imagination an…
- Follow the Path to Hypha Forest! Discover a world of new adventures at Hypha …
- Hypha Camp! The first week of Hypha Camp is packed with excitement, exploratio…
- We've kicked off our first week of summer camp with many fun activities and free…
- Don't miss this chance to tour Hypha and discover for yourself what's so special…
- Don’t miss out on Week 2 (July 10-14) of Hypha’s summer camp! We’ll be making o…
- At Hypha we blend the best of alternative methods with proven, research-based, a…
- Exploring Nature's Wonderland at Forest School! Our young Explorers at Hypha h…
- A sneak peek into last week’s Fun Sunday event at Hypha. We had a great time pla…
- Wrapping up an incredible week of Hypha Camp with a splash! Our action-packed …
- Nature lovers, creative souls, and lifelong learners, get ready for an unforgett…
- Looking forward to welcoming our young adventurers to another week of Hypha Camp…
- Discover the Magic of Hypha Education Centre! We want to express our heartfelt…
- Exciting Announcement! Attention all Hypha families from Cascais! We have som…
- Follow the Path to Hypha Forest! Discover a world of new adventures at Hypha Fo…
- We are thrilled to share with you the wonderful experiences we had last week at …
- We've kicked off our first week of summer camp with many fun activities and free…
- Join us at Hypha Education Summer Camp next week! Calling all Harmonious Adve…
- Don’t miss out on Week 2 (July 10-14) of Hypha’s summer camp! We’ll be making o…
- Exploring Nature's Wonderland! Special thanks today to for introducing the ch…
- Lots of smiles today as we petted the baby farm animals. Together we helped to f…
- Wrapping up an incredible week of Hypha Camp with a splash! Our action-packed d…
- At HYPHA we restore childhood to children and empower them to unearth their uniq…
- Looking forward to welcoming our young adventurers to another week of Hypha Camp…
- Embracing Nature at Hypha School Why do we spend so much time outdoors at Hy…
- Exciting Announcement! Attention all Hypha families from Cascais! We have some …
- Embrace the Rhythm of Nature Hey everyone! We're having a blast at our camp t…
- We are thrilled to share with you the wonderful experiences we had last week at …
- ADVENTURES IN THE WILD Our little campers embraced their inner nature archite…
- Join us at Hypha Education Summer Camp next week! Calling all Harmonious Adven…
- Hypha Camp Memories We closed this week’s camp with a music concert imitating …
- Lots of smiles today as we petted our neighbour's baby farm animals. Together we…
- This week’s summer camp became FULL early last week. We're incredibly grateful f…
- At HYPHA we restore childhood to children and empower them to unearth their uniq…
- Embracing Nature at Hypha School Why do we spend so much time outdoors at Hyp…
- Exciting Adventures at Hypha Camp this week! Our Explorers have been on a journ…
- Embrace the Rhythm of Nature Hey everyone! We're having a blast at our camp th…
- Our journey began with an enchanting chakra cleansing that set the tone for an …
- ADVENTURES IN THE WILD Our little campers embraced their inner nature archite…
- Hypha Camp Memories We closed this week’s camp with a music concert imitating …
- Embracing the Power of Positive Discipline! Let's talk about the incredible…
- This week’s summer camp became FULL early last week. We're incredibly grateful f…
- The Montessori method, a proven advantage for children
- Our morning kicked off with tiny hammers and chisels in hand, as these young ad…
- Exciting Adventures at Hypha Camp this week! Our Explorers have been on a journ…
- We are hiring! We seek educator assistants that are native in English or Portugu…
- Our journey began with an enchanting chakra cleansing that set the tone for an i…
- " Hypha: Where Innovation Meets Education! At Hypha, we're not just a learning…
- Embracing the Power of Positive Discipline! Let's talk about the incredible …
- Discovering Phonics the Hypha Way! At Hypha Learning, we believe that learning…
- Our morning kicked off with tiny hammers and chisels in hand, as these young adv…
- At Hypha, we believe in making learning visible. Through close observations and…
- We are hiring! We seek educator assistants that are native in English or Portugu…
- Are you wondering what is the meaning behind Hypha? Hypha connects various or…
- " Hypha: Where Innovation Meets Education! At Hypha, we're not just a learning…
- The first day of classes at Hypha are almost here, bringing with it a world of …
- Discovering Phonics the Hypha Way! At Hypha Learning, we believe that learning…
- Do you know we have a sensory area inside as well as outside? Our dedicated sens…
- Embrace the Beauty of Creative and Physical Development with Hypha Education! …
- Five Essential Criteria for Choosing a Montessori School: Why Hypha Portugal Stands Out
- Embracing Nature: The Forest School Approach in Colares, Sintra, Portugal
- Embracing the Reggio Emilia Approach to Early Education in Portugal
- Exploring the Montessori Method Approach in Portugal